Additional Resources
The following are concerned with themes and topics related to the course. Available for extra credit, geeking out, and diving deep.
Behave: The Biology of Humans At Our Best and Worst by Robert M Sapolsky
Chaos: Making a New Science by James Gleick
Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why by Laurence Gonzales
Exploring Biological Anthropology by Stanford, Allen and Antón.
From Bacteria to Bach and Back - The Evolution of Minds by Daniel C Dennett
Homo Deus - A Brief History of Tomorrow by Yuval Noah Harrari
How Emotions Are Made by Lisa Feldman Barrett
How Humans Evolved by Boyd, R., Silk, J. B.
Our Origins: Discovering Physical Anthropology by Clark Spencer Larson
Sapiens - A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harrari
The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker
The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White
The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person's Guide to Writing in the 21st Century by Steven Pinker
Through a Window by Jane Goodall
Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers - The Acclaimed Guide to Stress , Stress Related Diseases, and Coping by Robert M Sapolsky
TV Show Episodes/Movies
"Fire" - E:01 - Origins: The Journey of Humankind" - National Geographic
"Medicine" - E:02 - Origins: The Journey of Humankind" - National Geographic
"The Writing on the Wall" - E:04 - Origins: The Journey of Humankind" - National Geographic
"The Road Ahead" - E:08 - Origins: The Journey of Humankind" - National Geographic
"11001001" - S:1 E:15 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Unnatural Selection" - S:2 E:7 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"The Measure of a Man" - S:2 E:9 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Contagion" - S:2 E:11 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Up the Long Ladder" - S:2 E:8 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Evolution" - S:3 E:1 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"The Hunted" - S:3 E:11 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"The High Ground" - S:3 E:12 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"The Offspring" - S:3 E:16 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Allegiance" - S:3 E: 18 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Captain’s Holiday" - S:3 E: 19 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Tin Man" - S:3 E:20 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Hollow Pursuits" - S:3 E:21 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"The Most Toys" - S:3 E:22 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Sarek" - S:3 E:23 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Transfigurations" - S:3 E: 25 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"The Best of Both Worlds" - S:3 E: 26/ 4:1 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Brothers" - S:4 E:3 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Suddenly Human" - S:4 E:4 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Data’s Day" - S:4 E: 11- Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Clues" - S:4 E: 14 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"First Contact" - S:4 E: 15 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Galaxy’s Child" - S:4 E: 16 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Night Terrors" - S:4 E: 17 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Identity Crisis" - S:4 E: 18 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"The Nth Degree" - S:4 E: 19 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"The Host" - S:4 E: 23 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"In Theory" - S:4 E: 25 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Darmok" - S:5 E: 2 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Silicon Avatar" - S:5 E: 4 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"The Game" - S:5 E: 6 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Unification" - S:5 E: 7/8 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"The Masterpiece Society" - S:5 E: 13 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Ethics" - S:5 E: 16 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"The Outcast" - S:5 E: 17 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"I, Borg" - S:5 E: 23 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Time’s Arrow" - S:5/5 E: 26/1 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"True Q" - S:6 E: 6 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Ship in a Bottle" - S:6 E: 12 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"The Chase" - S:6 E: 20 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Rightful Heir" - S:6 E: 23 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Second Chances" - S:6 E: 24 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Descent" - S:6/7 E: 26/1 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Liaisons" - S:7 E: 2 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
“A Clockwork Origin” - S:6 E:9 - Futurama
“The Missing Link” - S:7 E:9 - Futurama
“Gorillas in the Mist” - (1988 Film)
"Inherit the Wind" - (1960 Film)
Course Relevant Videos
TED-esque Lectures
The evolving story of human evolution | Melanie Chang
How a new species of ancestors is changing our theory of human evolution | Juliet Brophy
Stone Tools and the Evolution of Human Behavior | John Shea
How fire and lava may have made us who we are | Michael Medler
The surprising science of alpha males | Frans de Waal
Moral behavior in animals | Frans de Waal
What you need to know about CRISPR | Ellen Jorgensen
When We First Made Tools
The Humans That Lived Before Us
When Apes Conquered Europe
Your Place in the Primate Family Tree
When We First Walked
When We Tamed Fire
The Island of Shrinking Mammoths
When Humans Were Prey
The Two People We’re All Related To
Can We Get DNA From Fossils
From the Fall of Dinos to the Rise of Humans
When We Took Over The World
Crash Course
Radiocarbon Dating
The Evolutionary Epic
Migrations and Intensification
Why Human Evolution Matters
The Nucleus
5 Human Impacts on the Environment
DNA Structure Replication
Natural Selection
Evolutionary Development
Darwin and Natural Selection
Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology
Carbon Dating in Danger?
Human Evolution
The Modern Revolution
The Modern Revolution
Why the Evolutionary Epic Matters
Why the Evolutionary Epic Matters
Why Human Ancestry Matters
Human Population Growth
DNA Transcription and Translation
Population Genetics
Eugenics and Francis Galton
The Skeletal System
Archaeology vs Paleontology
Short Clips​
Veni-vedi-vici (extinction)
Darwin Day
Natural Selection
Darwin's Acid
Gene's Eye View
Artificial Selection
Creationist Cousins
Performance, feedback, revision
Baba Brinkman
Designer Babies
Forbidden Cave
Apes with Tools
Walking With Lucy
Robert Sapolsky
Human Behavioral Evolution Lecture Series
Is Moral Disgust Just Bad Evolution? | Robert Sapolsky
Are Humans Hardwired to Be Cruel to Each Other? | Robert Sapolsky
Additional Internet Resources
APA Format
Skull and suture game
Bones of the skeleton game
Skeleton Resources
Science Websites
About Darwin:
The Visible Ape Project
American Anthropological Association
The National Center for Science Education
National Human Genome Research Institute:
National Tay-Sachs & Allied Diseases Association
Center for Evolutionary Psychology at the University of California Santa Barbara
The Linnean Society of London
Tree of life
Great Ape Trust
Duke University Lemur Center
Comparative Mammalian Brain Evolution
The Bonobo Conservation initiative
Budongo Forest Project
Amboseli Baboon Research Project
The Language Research Center
Human Behavior and Evolution Society
International Commision on Stratigraphy (ICS):
Human Origins (Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History)
Becoming Human (Institute of Human Origins)
Virtual Curation Lab
eLucy (University of Texas at Austin)
Koobi Fora Research Project
The Leakey Foundation
National Museums of Kenya
The Neanderthal Museum:
Center for the Study of the First Americans (Texas A&M University)
American Academy of Forensic Science
American Anthropological Association: Understanding Race
Race-The Power of an Illusion:
Darwinian Medicine
Society for Medical Anthropology
Worldwatch Institute
United States and World Population Clocks