America: Religions and Religion - by Catherine L. Albanese
American Heathens: Religion, Race and Reconstruction in California - by Joshua Paddison
Big Gods - How Religion Transformed Cooperation and Conflict - by Ara Norenzayan
Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, & Wisdom - by Rick Hanson, Alan Bomar Jones, Richard Mendius
Dharma Rain : Sources of Buddhist Environmentalism - by Stephanie Kaza & Kenneth Kraft
Dynamics of Faith - by Paul Tillich
Explaining Culture: A Naturalistic Approach - by Dan Sperber
From the Shahs to Los Angeles: Three Generations of Iranian Jewish Women between Religion and Culture - by Saba Soomekh
GOD: A Biography - by Jack Miles
Going Clear - Scientology Hollywood and the Prison of Belief - by Lawrence Wright
Go Tell it On the Mountain - by James Baldwin
Holy Bible - King James Edition
Immigration and Religion in America: Comparative and Historical Perspectives - by Alba, Raboteau, DeWind
In the Field: An introduction to Field Research. - by Robert Burgess
Introducing Religions - Readings from Classic Theorists - by Daniel L Pals
Life of Pi - by Yann Martel
Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief - by Jordan B Peterson
MAUS - Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 - by Art Spiegelman
Mere Christianity - by C.S. Lewis
Modes of Religiosity: A Cognitive Theory of Religious Transmission - by Harvey Whitehouse
Psychology and Religion - by Carl Jung
Religion Explained: The Evolutionary Origins of Religious Thought - by Pascal Boyer
Stone Edition TANACH - Art Scrolls
The Crucible - by Arthur Miller
The Elements of Style - by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White
The Ethnographer’s Eye: Ways of Seeing in Modern Anthropology. - by Anna Grimshaw
The Happiness Hypothesis - by Jonathan Haidt
The Interview: An Ethnographic Approach - by Jonathan Skinner
The Jews of the United States - by Hasia R Diner
The Kingdom of Matthias: A Story of Sex and Salvation in 19th-Century America - by Paul E. Johnson and Sean Wilentz
The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values How Science Can Determine Human Values - by Sam Harris
The Question of God - CS Lewis And Sigmund Freud Debate God, Love, Sex and the Meaning of Life - by Dr. Armand M Nicholi Jr.
The Qur’an: A New Translation - by M.A.S. Abdel Haleem
The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided By Politics And Religion - by Jonathan Haidt
The Sacred Canopy - by Peter L Berger
The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person's Guide to Writing in the 21st Century - by Steven Pinker
The Varieties of Religious Experience - A Study of Human Nature - by William James
When God Talks Back - Understanding the American Evangelical Relationship with God - by T.M. Luhrmann
Why Would Anyone Believe in God? - by Justin Barrett
TV Show Episodes/Movies
"A Rugrats Passover" - Rugrats - S:3 E:23
"The Icarus Factor" - S:2 E:14 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Who Watches the Watchers" - S:3 E:4 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Déjà Q" - S:3 E:13 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Sins of the Father" - S:3 E:17 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Captain’s Holiday" - S:3 E: 19 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Transfigurations" - S:3 E: 25 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Family" - S:4 E:2 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Devil’s Due" - S:4 E: 13- Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Night Terrors" - S:4 E: 17 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Qpid" - S:4 E: 20 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Half a Life" - S:4 E: 22 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Redemption" - S:4/5 E: 26/1 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Darmok" - S:5 E: 2 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"The Masterpiece Society" - S:5 E: 13 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Ethics" - S:5 E: 16 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"The Perfect Mate" - S:5 E: 21 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"The Next Phase" - S:5 E: 24 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"True Q" - S:6 E: 6 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Tapestry" - S:6 E: 15 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Birthright" - S:6 E: 16/17 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"The Chase" - S:6 E: 20 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Rightful Heir" - S:6 E: 23 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
"Descent" - S:6/7 E: 26/1 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
Inherit the Wind (1960 Film)
A Tuvan Religious RItual by K David Harrison
Blood On The Altar (Human Sacrifice Documentary) | Timeline
Fasting for 29 Days With a Muslim Family During Ramadan” by Thomas Morton VICE
Guelperin’s Santero Temple West Hollywood
Heaven’s gate UFO Cult Documentary
Holy Hell
Orange Sunshine
“An Entire Traditional Indian Hindu Wedding Ceremony at Home”
Course Relevant Videos
Short Clips
Intro to of Evans Pritchard’s Witchcraft, Oracles, and Magic among the Azande Macat Anthropology
Modern Korean Shamans
The Oracle of Delphi
Religion Spreads
Is Moral Disgust Just Bad Evolution? | Robert Sapolsky
Mary Devotion
Birth of Voodoo
Altered States of Consciousness
Modern Tent Preaching
The New Science of Religion
The New Science of Religion | Series Intro | Dr Edward Slingland
Religion, Myth, Science, Truth | an evening of Darwinian thought with Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
Gods, Morality and Cooperation (Part I) | Dr Ben Purzycki
Big Gods & the Fabric of Society | Dr Ara Norenzayan | Spring 2018
Philosophy's Struggle with God | Dr Anders Kraal | Spring 2018
The Bible, Symbol and Identity | PART I | Jordan B Peterson (2017)
Belief, Identity and Sacrifice | Dr Jonathan Lanman
Religion and Cooperation in Brazil | Dr Montserrat Soler
Cultural Evolution & the Origin of Faith | Dr Joseph Henrich
Evolution, Psychology & Religion | Dr Gad Saad
Religion & Moral Psychology | Dr Azim Shariff | Jan 2018
The Bible, Symbol and Identity | PART II | Jordan B Peterson (2017)
TED-esque Lectures
The Roots of Religion | Genevieve Von Petzinger
The Roots of Religion | Genevieve Von Petzinger
Building Sacred Spaces
Militant atheism | Richard Dawkins
What Makes a Hero?
Vampire Folklore
Crash Course
What is myth?
Freud and Jung on Myths
Creation Myths 2
Creation Myths 4
Trickster Myths 1
Trickster Myths 3
Pantheons: Ancient Mediterrean
Pantheons: Greeks and Romans
Pantheons: Africa
The Dying God
More on Goddesses
Religion and Society
Theories of Myth
Creation Myths 1
Creation Myths 3
Apocalypse Myths 1
Trickster Myths 2
Hero Myths 1
Pantheons: India
Pantheons: Norse
Archetypal Gods - Male Divinity
Archetypal Gods: Goddesses
More on Witches
Religion For Breakfast
The Scientific Study of Religion
Marx on Religion
What is Ritual
The Hajj
History of Halloween
Atheist Churches
Denomination Relations
What is Religion?
Freud on Religion
The Baha'i Holy Cities
Christianity from Judaism
Success in Strict Religious Communities
Christian Ankhs?
History of Magic Wands
Baba Brinkman
Religion Evolves
God of the Gaps
Jordan B Peterson: The Psychological Significance of the Biblical Stories
Lecture 1 of 17
Additional Internet Resources
APA Writing Guidelines
American Anthropological Association:
The Society for the Anthropology of Religion of the AAA
Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance
Encyclopedia Mythica
Internet Sacred Texts Archive
The Joseph Campbell Foundation
The Mayan Calendar
Official website of the ministry of Hajj. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Native American arts, humanities, and culture.
The Foundation for Shamanic Studies
An online copy of James Frazer’s The Golden Bough
The African Burial ground National Monument Website
A site that explores mummification from the British Museum
Halloween history
American Atheist
Apparitions of the Virgin Mary
The text of Malleus Maleficarum
The Church of Satan
Website of unification church
Heaven’s Gate website
The Witch’s Voice